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You guys are way off base. A 12X DVD player reads at about 8-16 MB/s for a single layer disc. But that reading off a DVD9 (dual layer DVD which all XBox360 games come on), lowers the speed it can read data at. 2x Bluray is about 9 MB/s constant. A 5400 RPM 2.5" HDD won't have substantially higher throughput than a 12x DVD player, but what it does spank both disc player in is seek times.

I love MGS4. Probably the best game I've ever played. I love everything about it from the weapon customization, to the varied gameplay (the third and fourth acts were nice surprises), to the graphics/sound. And this install time, while fairly short (2-3 min per act) is incredibly annoying. I can't believe ANYONE would say it isn't. It hasn't really taken away from my enjoyment of the game, but it is still annoying to see. They really should have made it an option to install the whole damn thing for those of us with HDD space to spare.

 BTW, MB = megabytes.  Mb = megabits.