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I would have preferred the option for just one huge install, even if it was 10GB. My install currently only shows a 4GB file. The multiple installs is definitely one of the most curious aspects of the MGS4 code build, but I'm guessing it was to keep the HDD overhead down to a minimum at the cost of penalizing those who want to play in multiple sections of the game (or multiple players on one console).

Wii games have no major issues with load times because the games all use low resources relative to everything else this generation. All the games have load times, they're just shorter because there's less data to transfer to memory.

With 24MB of graphics memory, 3MB of texture memory and 64MB of main memory developers can only do so much.

I don't even see the point of comparing the Wii. The SNES had no load times thanks to the even lower overhead and chip based games. Is that supposed to make SNES games technically superior to those on the Wii?