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The fact that only walmart is doing the $100 gift card proves that wal-mart is taking the hit.  Remember its on all blu-ray players not just the PS3.   If I remember correctly blu-ray players have at least a $100 profit and more depending on the model.    I believe the Sony blu-ray player that retails for $399 costs about $265 for retailers.   Retailers make barely anything on the PS3.  I believe the store I work for makes about $15 off each PS3 sold.  Not sure about the $499 bundle though.   They do the gift card deal cause Wal-mart isn't losing $100 off each sale because people are going to use those giftcards which in return will do two things a) they will use the gift card and spend over $100 so the hit will be very small b) Buy products with the gift card that have high margins such as clothing.  


I can bet you that sony loses less money selling the $499 bundle compared to the $399.     They aren't paying konami $60 a pop for each bundle.  Probably half that or even lower.