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Jumpin said:

1. You don't know what a killer app is. It's not a piece of software that sells high over a long period of time on a user base, it's not a combination of software, nor is it the piece of software you personally bought the console for. A Killer app is a piece of software that millions of people find indispensable and drives massive demand for hardware. This results in huge sales spikes - such as that seen with the PSX at the release of Final Fantasy 7, Wii sports which reversed a long-term period of decline for Nintendo home consoles to record-breaking highs, to a lesser extent Breath of the Wild which drove massive sales of the Switch coming off of another longterm period of decline and a failed home console. Another example is the release of Pokemon Blue and Red which caused gameboy sales to hit annual record-breaking sales over a decade after launch. Animal Crossing New Leaf sold a lot, but there weren't millions of people flocking to purchase 3DSs as a result needing to play this game. The data shows that vast majority of 3DS purchasers at the time were clearly not buying it for New Leaf. The game sold moderately well over a long period of time. It is not what you call a killer app, but an evergreen title.

2. I never argued that there weren't any factors that drove 3DS sales, I argued that Animal Crossing New Leaf was not a killer app - big difference. Stop making strawman arguments.

3. If you think that it's a massive stretch to say that Wii Sports and Breath of the Wild were driving hardware sales, then you clearly haven't been paying attention to the market.  I really don't have much more to say to you. You're just being contrary for the purpose of being contrary.

Here's a test:

If you remove Breath of the Wild from the Switch launch, and Wii Sports from the Wii launch, and replace both with Animal Crossing New Leaf, how successful do you think each would be? Do you honestly believe that they would have enjoyed the same level of success, or anywhere near it?

1. Pretty sure the actual definition of killer app only refers to the desirability, and the only real measurement we have for this is sales. It's safe to say a game selling 10+ million is highly desirable, to the point where it's a significant reason people are buying systems in the first place. I think system seller would be the more accurate term, but whatever, it's semantics. You're again only looking at short term sales spikes, not acknowledging that a game can move systems over a long period of time. Most of Animal Crossing sales come from it's legs, so of course it's not gonna have a big spike, but that doesn't mean it's not still helping sell systems. 10+ million is simply too high a number for it to just be a game you buy when you already have the system, especially when it has one of the highest attach rates.

2. But that begs the question of what drives 3DS sales if not top selling games like New Leaf. That's not a strawman, that's a hole in your argument. You brought up attach rates yourself.

3. It's a massive to stretch to say they would do that on their own, that was in your original definition for killer app. In fact, Wii Sports and BotW can't fit that definition because they were never alone. We don't know what impact they'd have when without other great games, great hardware concepts, etc. And what is your purpose in claiming Animal Crossing isn't a killer app?

If those games are completely removed from the pipeline then of course not, just like the 3DS wouldn't do as well if New Leaf never existed, but if they still come later in a timely matter then sure. Also this doesn't make for a good test when the answer requires a crystal ball to truely know.