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outlawauron said: 

The Trails in the Sky series. Took me 80 hours to beat SC, but I finally did it.

Well done, that's some serious commitment! I got fatigued after 35 hours in Digimon >.<

COKTOE said: 

I'll try to look at that more closely when I get the chance. I take exception to 2017 Portable being referred to as mindless! :) There is a fair amount of strategy required on the higher difficulties. Sometimes there are a number of ways to proceed, sometimes it can be quite rigid. Like a code that needs to be cracked to progress. I still don't know the way(s) to properly tackle the last level on Inferno difficulty. Now though, my Ranger is a very respectable 14800 hp, so I can grunt and push my way through more than I could before my armor shot up while weapon farming.

Heh, well respect for getting that far in it! I just find it a nice fun distraction when I want to blow up some aliens.

Speaking of my Top Vita games lists, here's today's - Top 15 PSP games playable on Vita: