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I didnt like it. It felt like if you were controlling some plastic manekin. Still feels like it. Weapons feel like plastic toy guns. I adored Killzone because of the lazy controls you could feel the weight of the guns.
My friends always made me play deathmatch. I didnt like it tho I was kinda good at it.
Then, in my work, there was a pirated copy intalled in some Laptop of Halo CE. Bad graphics (because of low capabilities machine), playing on the touchpad... But damn, then I felt the story... I went running to the store and got a damn Xbox One (i never had any other xbox, in fact i despise microsoft), Halo MCC, Halo 4 and preordered Halo 5. Best damn good choice in a long time. I regret nothing. It was a totally new universe for me to explore.
I am waiting for news on Halo 6 (even tho 4 and 5 are not as good as the first 3 imo).


"We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us" - Andrew Ryan, Bioshock.