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madskillz said:

That's great fodder for flames.

Anyhow, I think a lot has to do with the past generation. The PS2 thumped the latecomer, Xbox, into a virtual coma. This generation, though, Sony fans are shocked their console is a distant 3rd, that MS is solidly in second and a cheap Nintendo console is selling like hotcakes. It's just hard for folks to accept, even with MS and the RROD drama.

Another thing that really creates anger is the lack of PS3 exclusives or the defection of Sony exclusives to the 360. Folks are quick to say 'But that's a Sony franchise - GTA owes Sony for their success!' when games went to the 360 first OR to the 360 only or a timed exclusive. The 360 had the userbase and it's all about getting paid in the end. The 360 proves games can sell. And developers could give a flip about the superior console - they want to make the most money possible.

 Which is.....???...

Anyway, no gamer could "survive" the past generation without at least try to own ( I bought a PS2, it crashed, and as long as I remember, no one admit that there was a problem) a PS2.

So, its hard for Sony loyals to watch a new generation to pass by, and many gamers to be fully satisfied with their 360, and don't feel the need of bying a PS3. 360 can offer all a gamer wants. 

On the other hand, I don't see how MS is trying to push Sony out of the gaming business. I think the Vaio laptops STILL support Windows and can play Games for Windows., don't they?

Oh, and there is STILL arrogance. We started playing next gen games, we had a great time with our 360, and Sony arrogantly told us that this is not what's suppossed to  be Next Gen Gaming. That MS only tried to make fool of us and exploit us. And the games on 360 kept coming, and no news from Sony, and Sony kept sayin "wait and you'll see!" 2007 is the year of The World DOmination, and then the games came and they sold like crazy on 360 (on which they were better). And SOny said "this is not true next gen gaming. I WILL teach you what next gen gaming is". And then silence... And we kept playin our 360 games, and the games kept coming.

And then there was 2008, and it was the year of the REAL PS# World DOmination. And games did NOT come (apart from a Demo and a 21 year old franchize- perfect game IMO anyway), and the 360 kept announcing games, and we all wondered, "what planet is Sony propaganda is broadcasting from???". And then came the GTA (GTA  people, GTA) and the "inferior" 360 version, sold 2 times better!!! And Now comes the MGS4 (great game I say, but nothing relevant to genre define)

And thats " The END of the Loudbox" And the games on 360 keep coming, and we don't know what the fuck to play first and what to put aside, and we have peolpe out there who STILL tell us (seriously, these guys are paid with big salaries to tell such BS) that we DON'T really enjoy ourseves and we're hallucinating. 

Sorry for the annoying post  but I just woke up and its really creative, with a cup of hot coffee in hand.