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adisababa said:
To me I think 2018 is going to be the best year in the Xbox One's life cycle in terms of games:

a whole new different MMORPG concept in Sea of Thieves
a technological leap with their claims of a fully destructible multiplayer environment in Crackdown 3
a full triple-A zombie survival game where choices have consequences in State of Decay 2
the generation-defining open-world racer in Forza Horizon 4
a dark souls style atmospheric beautiful looking game in Ashen
a unique story heavy side-scrolling game in The Last Night

And finally, Ori and the Will Of the Wisps which is no doubt going to be one of the best games of 2018.

This is a very strong lineup, diverse genres, unique elements in each that could probably push gaming to new heights (my bet is on the cloud tech in Crackdown 3).

I myself dont like the artstyle and only multiplayer stuff on Sea of Thieves, but it has pretty good previews so it will do well and have its own fanbase.

Crackdown 3 looks pretty bad in everyway in my opinion and saying its crackdown shouldnt be an excuse. I think the destructible environment is only very small map and wont look that impressive. Wouldnt surprise me if it gets cancelled, because they have not mentioned it since august and twitter has never been so quiet before, but hopefully it will come out and not pushed out by Microsoft.

state of decay 2 is my most anticipated game from Microsoft, but it doesnt look like triple AAA. It looks more like remaster of original with ok graphics and bad animations (can be changed for launch ofcourse). I

I doubt Forza Horizon 4 will do anything different from last Forza Horizon except new location and new cars.

Ori will certanly be great, but it looks more like a 2019.

Arent The last Night and Ashen only timed exclusives and published now by Annapurna? Same thing happened to Sony with What remains edith finch and it got released 3 month later on xbox one. Wouldnt surprise me to see those titles on PS4 and Switch this year as well.