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Super_Boom said:
I think adventure and platform games have a lot more flexibility than SRPGs, and so there's a lot more room for formula shake-ups in games like Mario and Zelda. Unless you change the genre itself, there likely won't be any shifts as big as Awakening saw, and if the genre itself is changing, I'd personally they rather label it as a spinoff a la Warriors.

Agree with Boom here. I'm not expecting "major shake ups" but instead expect huge increase in budget. Shadows of Valentia had the highest production values the series has ever seen and I think it'll be majorly surpassed by FE Switch.  SoV was fully voiced, had amazing graphical style and superb directing; the pre rendered as well as the in game engine cut scenes were unlike anything else on 3DS.  

I think we can expect a huge focus on graphical flair but even more so on a deeper story and character building.  I think Intelligent System knows core fans hated Corrin and they will try something closer to a traditional lord.  

One huge hope of mine is a greatly expanded Support system.  Optional side quests for recruited characters, then including them in the central plot as a reward for completing their personal stories.  That would be awesome!

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