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Xbox One sure is a succes in terms of performance in Third Party titles when compared to the PS4 Pro. The difference is clear and visable for anyone who doesn't have a clear bias.

The sales however are "decent" but not amazing, ps4 will keep selling more because of the name, populairity and overall better, more diverse options in exlusives.

The Xbox one and Xbox one X are not a failure but they are not a succes either, but at least what microsoft promised has come true and they are making sure third party games perform well, overall I would say as an owner of a Xbox one X console its a succes in terms of what microsoft promised and what they deliverd.

But I am sure it won't be a succes in terms of turning the tide of the already sunken ship of the Xbox One, we will have to see if Microsoft can re-join the fight next gen, like nintendo did with the Switch recently.

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