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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Riachu said:

Rogue Galaxy was not innovative in anyway. American gamers tend to hate turn-based battle systems since a lot of the time, they are very tedious and repetitive. There are exceptions though i.e. Lost Odyssey

Real time battle systems can also be repetitive i.e. Kingdom Under Fire Circle of Doom


RPG's are repetitive. Diablo 2 is one of my favorite games, but it's repetitive as hell. However, it sucks you in. That is one of the biggest appeals of the genre. Repetition to increase power. Games where you character starts out as powerful as he is ever going to get aren't as engaging, generally, to a certain crowd. That's why even games like DMC4, The Darkness, Bioshock, Zelda, and Ninja Gaiden have RPG elements. They just tend to make a game better, all other things being equal.

I meant stuff like high random encounter rates, pointless button mashing

Diablo 2 and those other games you listed are repetitive in a good way