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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Diomedes1976 said:
Well ,if truth has to be told the best JRPG for the 360 is Lost Oddysey that is a solid 8 not more.

Its maybe too soon to say things as RPG king dont you think ?

Well, I liked LO, but the load times and slow pace ruined the end for me.


I'd say Eternal Sonata is much better. That's just my opinion though.


However, in Japan, it is getting a PS3 release also.

 Ah. Thats the crux of the JRPG curse.

Turn based "traditional" JRPGs tend to do better due to the simplistic menu-based concept, and it seems that J-Gamers prefer that. Innovative (battle wise) titles like Eternal Sonata, Rogue Galaxy, Odin Sphere, and others langush in sales, while the "big ones" are almost always stale, and lack innovation...Yet do much better.

Kingdom Hearts is the last big JRPG I've seen that's broke the mold, and done well in it's native country. It seems that the west is far more favorable to said action JRPGs, and ones that wander away from the typical formula...It seems like the US got tired of Dragon Quest/Warrior after it moved from NES to SNES and further...While FF still maintains some sort of decent sales in the US at times.  

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.