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S.Peelman said: 
S.Peelman said: 
This game contains the greatest of plot-twists ever in a video game. And I never saw it coming it was me.

#2 - Hint

It actually made me think of another quote, though different it had a similar impact, from the movie franchise this game's a part of, where a certain someone says he is a certain someone's relative.

I know this is a Star Wars game I haven't played.  I am going to guess Knights of the Old Republic, since I know a lot of people really like that one.


Mnementh said:

This looks quite charming. Really, I like this graphic style. You also control a team of super-heroes it seems, I like. And did you say basic combat is modeled after Baldur's Gate? I never had this game on the radar, maybe I should've.

Yes, this is real time combat with 4 characters in a fashion like Baldur's Gate.  Of course you are super heroes instead of D&D characters.  And you don't have an overworld map like a D&D game.  Instead you have mission areas, and then you advance your character's abilities in between the missions.  There is tons of replay value since you can focus on a different group of characters every time you play this game.

Mnementh said:

As ARandomGamer correctly guessed on the second place is Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millenium Girl.


Does it matter what order I play these games in?  I am very likely to play one of the Etrian Odyssey games in 2018.  I just finished replaying Final Fantasy 1 a month or so ago.  I have always really liked it, but I also feel it is showing its age in a lot of ways.  I also will sometimes play a roguelike game like the various Mystery Dungeon games, but I think what I am really after is an old school dungeon crawler that has made gradual improvements over the years.  Something like Wizardry or Final Fantasy 1, with maybe a few updates while maintaining most of the old school feel.  


Mnementh said:

Dillon's Rolling Western (3DS, 2012)

Seldom I had so much fun with a tower-defense-game. This game is cute, creates a lot of challenge in harder levels and is a blast to play.

I am always looking for a good tower defense game on a console, and somehow I've never heard of this one.  (For some reason game developers think Tower Defense is mostly for flash games or mobile only.)  I might have missed this game because it is download only.  This is one I'm definitely going to check out.

Last edited by The_Liquid_Laser - on 30 December 2017