Greetings! I was around on the last Nintendo thread (Nintendomination, I think?) for a while when Smash Wii U launched and then I basically fell off the face of the Earth... BUT I'M BACK! AND THIS TIME I HAVE A SWITCH! My family has been very kind to me for Christmas, with Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2, Splatoon 2, and Arms bestowed upon me.
Currently, I've around 392 moons in Mario (most of my time as you'll no doubt see), beat the 2nd boss in Splatoon 2 and am at lv.7. Haven't touched Arms as I'm waiting to try it with a group of friends later today, and haven't touched Xenoblade because I feel compelled to get the DLC pass before I start due to it containing some form of story content next month. Thankfully, I'm trading in a stack of games later today as well that should give me the money for it.
I hope to be more active with the Nintendominion community this time, so hopefully you'll all see me contribute more!