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NoirSon said:
vivster said:
Since when is "Dromarch" sexier than "Byakko"? I hate how the localization butchered all the names.

Byakko has a certain meaning in Japan and other Asian countries that unless one is familiar with the culture they may not know or care. You can't always take for granted someone that plays the game will know about Japanese myths such as the four gods or care if they are from outside of the country. The game was localized in the UK so using Dromarch, alludes to a mythical animal that their potential audience might know about even if it isn't as on the nose as Byakko is for Japan.

Personally I think the localization is very good, some stilted dialogue delivery in some of the early portions of the game but it eventually comes together and gets much better. Probably the only names that were hurt maybe the Japanese naming convention involving the royal Mor Ardain blades that was lost but even with that only Aegaeon loses out as Brighid is Celtic goddess of fire so that matches the original. 

Funnily enough I am way more familiar with the Japanese folklore that whatever they're trying to rebrand it overseas. Who would've thought that people who primarily play JRPGs are somewhat familiar with Japanese culture or at least interested in it.

If anything it's really distracting when you have the Japanese audio which references completely different names from what you're reading. They should've included alternative names for people who specifically downloaded the Japanese language pack. One could assume that those people can take a few Japanese names.

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