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curl-6 said:
Nuvendil said:

Yeah, it's a very pretty game.  An unexpected use of Snowdrop but it makes a great impression.  It might not be as technically advanced as Odyssey, Xenoblade, FAST RMX, or even BOTW but it does what it sets out to do nearly perfectly, very clean look.

Speaking of, I highly suggest picking up FAST RMX, if not immediately then when it is on sale.  It looks and runs better than NEO and it plays a lot better to boot.  Also, has all the NEO DLC plus new content.  

I'm no expert but I actually think Kingdom Battle looks advanced than Xenoblade 2; obviously it doesn't have to render as many objects at once so it can afford to spend more rendering time on each one, but it's textures, lighting, and image quality are better. And while Botw similarly has much more going on at once, it's also at its core a Wii U game, while Kingdom Battle clearly looks better than what Wii U could handle in terms of its visual feature set.

As for RMX, I played Neo on the Wii U to death, including the DLC, so the 6 extra tracks aren't enough incentive for me to buy it again, excellent game though it is. I am very eager to see what Shin'en do next on Switch though.

I supposed advanced was the wrong word.  Demanding is more on point.  Kinda like comparing XCX and Art of Balance.   The former is more demanding, the latter has more advanced features in play.

And fair enough on RMX.  Still, I would keep an eye on it for sales.