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Cerebralbore101 said:
bigtakilla said:

In what ways were it's gameplay and structure leagues above X? 

Diving and Farm Points have replaced gathering random items that spawn on the map. In X if you wanted an ultra rare plant drop you had to run around the map for hours praying you'd get it. In 2 you just have to load up a bunch of Botany blades, and watch as a single farm point gives you 30 random plant items at once. 

The combo system in 2 rewards creating element orbs, and breaking them. This leads to long epic combos, is challenging to setup, and rewarding to pull off. You can have bosses or normal creatures drop over 3 times their normal loot this way. 

Having multiple towns instead of having just one town made talking to people less of a chore. Wandering around New LA trying to find someone you haven't talked to yet, or trying to find someone with something new to say was a chore. 2 has it so that these people have a star above their heads, and the smaller towns make it much easier to find the stragglers endgame. 

Being able to equip two luck modifying accessories, and then two luck modifying blades makes opening rare blades very easy. Especially when you combine it with farming a boss for Rare/Legendary Blades. With 2 the designers introduced all these different elements to give skilled players a chance to get past the grind. In X finding new teammembers was often confusing and down to sheer luck. If you only did X, Y, and Z, new teammate A would show up, in random place B. 

Being able to equip different blades to different drivers, and having different movesets with different drivers really diversified the strategies and teambuilding you can take in the game. For example: Rex has completely different moves using a Shield Hammer, than Nia. In X everybody just used the same movesets per weapon. 

I mean don't get me wrong here, I liked X. It had bigger worlds, and let the player choose their class at the start of the game. But Xenoblade 2 takes out a lot of the grindy elements, introduces interesting combat mechanics, and gives you more options for teambuilding. 

This XBC2 brings things together far better.