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Farsala said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:
Hints to my #4 and #3 games.

#4 In North America, this spinoff game was released just a few months after the series' most successful entry.
Hint 2: The story of this game is about two childhood friends who took two very different paths as adults.

#3 “Since man first walked upright, he has looked to the stars and wondered, ‘Are we alone in this cold corner of space? If something is out there, would it be friend…or foe?’ What would this Earth man think if he could see a desperate space ship, fleeing at a speed faster than imagination? What would he think if he saw the impact of powerfully potent neutronic missiles upon its fragile frame? What would he make of the strange pod that ejected from the ruined remains, just in time to avoid its mysterious inhabitant’s destruction? And would he gape in wonder at the dozen or so strange canisters that burst from its hold and fell towards the atmosphere of our guileless globe? What emotion would pass through his mind as he observed these selfsame containers as they passed through our atmosphere and fell upon the surface of an unsuspecting metropolis? So many questions and so few answers…until now dear viewers…until now….”

4 kind of sounds like Kingdom Hearts.

Kingdom Hearts was a great game, but I already put it at #38 on my list.  At least you know what kind of games I like.