Okay beat the game. Story/lore thoughts:
The connection between Xenoblade and Xenoblade 2 is pretty concrete now. I am fully convinced Ontos = Alvis, and Logos/Pneuma/Ontos are all parts of the Trinity processor which access the Conduit (Xenoblade's equivalent of the Zohar) to use its power to manipulate the universe(s.) The world in Xenoblade 2 is the renmants of our world after the trinity processor was used. When Klaus used the trinity processor Alvis/Ontos went to the universe where Xenoblade takes place with his other half. The Klaus that remains tried to recreate the Earth using Logos/Pneuma after regretting what he'd done. In Xenoblade Alvis uses the power of the conduit to empower mayneth/zanza with monados. Basically all of their power comes from Alvis' ability to access the conduit.
Interestingly, BLADE in Xenoblade X is an acronym for Beyond the Logos Artificial Destiny Emancipator.
Which makes one think, maybe X connects as well ,but I am unsure how they'd connect X because Earth is seemingly destroyed at the beginning of the game.