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GTA 3 on PS2 was one of my favorite games of the gen. I also briefly owned 3 copies the broken Xbox double pack ( which was unable to save game progress on certain models of Xbox, including mine. ) Right out of the gate, when booting GTA 3 up on the PS4, I had massive problems with how it looked. The graphics were ass, the frame-rate was sub-par, and the motion blur was like digital vaseline. It took me a solid 30 minutes to adjust, and even longer to start enjoying it again. Back in 2001, I used to pop GTA 3 in and just mess around with the the cops more than I actually progressed the story. In fact, I never finished it until the PS4 digital re-release, and when playing it again, didn't find the whole "cops and robbers" play sessions nearly as appealing. I'd still rank GTA 3 as #3 in the GTA games I've played, and a great classics overall but boy, that initial shock of returning to it 13 years after my first experiences was kinda surprising.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."