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Million said:

Your either A. Lying about owing COD4 & Gears Of War.B. Deluded.C.Different from the majoirty of the gaming community.

From an objective point of view you can't claim graphics aren't important , I fee lthey are important to my own gaming experience and So do a significant % of the gaming consumer. So really your whole thread is just your own opinion , even if it is an objective truth that graphics don't matter , most of our mental constructs won't allow us to play games with poor graphical quality unless other factors are compelling enough to warrant a play (e.g GTA ).

If you feel that you could play Super Mario 64 type graphics just as easily as you could play with Gears OF War type graphics then that's entirely you , as for me I couldn't bring myself to play the majoirt of things prior to the PS2 ( wit the exception of Mario and Street figter on SNES ).

I'm still convinced your trying to coninve yourself and everyone else that the Wii's inferiorness ( The graphics deparment ) isn't signifant , your trying to downplay the signifance of graphics to boost the Wii's image , yet hypocritcaly your in almost every thread I can remember which downplays or boasts about the Wii's graphics.

 I guess I am different from many people. There are a few that agree with me though. Also I wasn't saying that graphics aren't imporant overall, just not as important as other aspects, and I was asking why having the best graphics matter. And imo the wii being graphically inferior isn't significant. If I had a choice between the wii having a better online system and graphics I would choose the online system. Anyway we should just stop arguing about it. It's our opinions and it's hard to change somebodies opinion. 

Edit: Also if you want me to prove that I own both games I will.