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twesterm said:

I read this over on Penny-Arcade and thought it was pretty interesting (NOTE-- whole post here):

In the space of our play experience, we've already seen two separate installs. The game is still broken up into discrete areas, which I found odd, the assumption being that if we were taking time out to install shit it was because we were doing it to sustain a single world. You would have a hard time convincing me that multiple installs over the course of playing a videogame are worse than disc swapping. This has become some kind of theological question on forums, a kind of philosophical pinata, except no matter how many times you strike it no reward is forthcoming. Blu-Ray is only a convenience if it is actually convenient, if it doesn't require concessions either at the beginning of an experience or at several points throughout. It's amazing to me that this is considered progress.

They do raise a good point there. Is BluRay really convenient if instead of swapping discs you get installs at various points in your game?

It is not Blu-rays doing for install times, it is the game makers, they do it to avoid multiple load times, GTA load times for example are usually no more than a second or two.