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Shiken said:
vivster said:

Yeah, but does he have any character? Feels more like an empty husk that could be replaced with anyone else to me.

He does have character in BotW, you have to search for the background story though.


In Zelda's diary she states that she feels like Link looks down on her for her failures because he is so quiet and reserved.  One night, she asks him about it and he tells her that it is due to the constant pressure his role puts on him.


He is the chosen Knight to guard the Princess.  He pulled the Master Sword and is expected to save everyone.  Everyone is counting on him, and he is viewed as a becon of hope.  Due to this, he fears letting everyone down.  He feels like he cannot show his emotions as if he showed how scared he really was, people might lose faith in him.


Because of this he internalized his feelings and speaks only when necessary (like when he motions like he is explaining something or you select a dialog option).  It is also implied that behind the scenes, he cared deeply for Zelda and they opened up to eachother as their quest went on.


Link has a name, he has a personality, and has been around as an icon for over 3 decades.  It might not have been the original intent, but Link is very much a character now.  BotW only makes it even more apparent than ever before.


The diary I speak of can be found in Zelda's room (one in her study as well), you should check it out sometime.

Sadly I haven't played BOTW that far. If he really became a character I'm interested to see what future Zelda games will become.

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