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Xeta said:
There are only three games that have left a significant impression on me and changed how I viewed games forever. Two of those three are portable games. One of those two is the original Pokemon game.

All three have original and well-done art directions as well.

I actually consider graphics bad for games, because they add to cost and they don't really interest me. All that happens when I see good graphics is that I'm impressed at the effort when I see it, but it doesn't affect my judgment of the game at all. The constant rise in graphical standards only prevents more new developers from being able to jump into the market and make games that otherwise would have become top-sellers. I care about art, not graphics.

The same applies to music - I care about how catchy and good the music is, not the sound quality with which it is presented. In fact the same exact rules apply there, and the higher quality standards there are for sound, the harder time new developers have trying to sell games.

In other words, in my perfect world, not only would graphics stop progressing, they might even regress. I would much rather have more new developers and more games even from bigger corporations than a few games that have the most realistic graphics and the most boring color schemes.

Besides, if you actually think graphics are the future you should not be supporting consoles at all.

Wow, I dunno if I've ever agreed with a post more (That wasn't involving Earthbound) Anyhow, very nicely said^^;

The Mother 3 Fan Translation is done! Everyone go get it right now! (

Play Earthbound for the SNES ; ; Do it, it's awesome!

Proud participater of this year's Wii Secret Santa event! Hopefully you'll join the merriment next year!
Link below because I fail at embedding urls.