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Kasz216 said:
ookaze said:

Reading this thread, it's pretty clear to me why people can't understand why the XB360 is not doing good in Japan.
I mean, it's pretty obvious. But the problem is that it doesn't go well with the alternate reality, the utopia of the people for whom the XB360 should be doing well in Japan no matter what. So as reality doesn't go well with their utopia, they make their own BS, and what's more amazing, they're eating it.
Nonsense like "360 is the king of rpg's this gen", or "Japan is even more nationalistic than the USA", or even better, 360 is a reliable console.

No wonder these people can't ever understand why the 360 isn't doing good in Japan. Getting back to Earth would help I guess. That is, if they want to get back, which probably isn't the case.

The problem with MS, is that they often destroy what they partner with. In this case, getting several JRPG companies in Japan to make games for their failure will surely destroy some of these companies. JRPG weren't doing well, and I don't even blame MS for the demise of JRPG game companies. That's the companies' fault for being stupid. Thus, I blame Mistwalker for their demise, that's their fault.

JRPG are going down even faster than before, only DS is a saving grace for the genre. So much that I have no chance of ever playing every JRPG I WANT to play on it. The DS showed that it's good enough to produce the JRPG of old. Now, a console JRPG has to be sth that can't me made on a DS to succeed. Just graphics is not enough.
Graphics never were the selling point of JRPG, I still wonder how people could be fooled in believing that. So graphics alone won't make a successful JRPG. The HD consoles being sold mainly on graphics, I'm not surprised JRPG fail on them. I'm part of the people that feel FFXIII will be a relative flop on PS3 BTW.

See FF7-12.

Aside from that i assume it's because JRPGs are one genre where people mostly perfer the same kind of gameplay that's been around since the NES. Nice turn based, throw in a few tricks but nothing to fancy combat. Put it in a fantasy setting, and you have to save the world.

The only things that have drastically changed in them is the graphics.

People are trying to copy FF's success not realizing that it isn't it's graphics that do it. It was just that FF was at the right place at the right time.

Gamers seemed to became more interested in the storylines and characters of JRPGs around the time FFVII came out