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--OkeyDokey-- said:
sc94597 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
People seem to forget that graphics don't just mean looking good.

Think about Assassins Creed. That game isn't possible on Wii, not because of HD textures and whatnot, but because of the sheer interactivity of the environment.

You can climb EVERY tiny little brick that sticks out of a vertical surface.
In Crysis, you can shoot any random tree in the jungle, and it will eventually break in two.

Things like this can improve a game greatly.

 Sorry, but you are confusing graphics with physics. Now physics and AI are far more important than graphics. 


That Assassins Creed example had nothing to do with physics or AI :/ Or did it? I'm not good with this stuff :P Well think about MP: Hunters then. Don't you think it lost a significant amount atmosphere and epicness on the crappy DS hardware? (compared to the other MP's)
No if the gameplay was similar to the other primes it would be a good game. Unfortunately the game was a bad game all around. It was far too linear. Had almost no aspects of a metroid game, and was basically a FPS while metroid games are more of adventure games. Also the brick interaction you described in AC is physical interactions between two objects or more. Which is physics. Graphics are visuals, while physics is how objects interact with eachother.

@Million There was a large thread with many people complaining about the graphics of GTAIV. I don't understand what you mean about the visuals being good to have good physics.