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sc94597 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
People seem to forget that graphics don't just mean looking good.

Think about Assassins Creed. That game isn't possible on Wii, not because of HD textures and whatnot, but because of the sheer interactivity of the environment.

You can climb EVERY tiny little brick that sticks out of a vertical surface.
In Crysis, you can shoot any random tree in the jungle, and it will eventually break in two.

Things like this can improve a game greatly.

Sorry, but you are confusing graphics with physics. Now physics and AI are far more important than graphics.

 But bad graphics would severley limit the physics i'd argue without good graphics the need for good physics wouldn't be as apparent , Physiscs give the game an increased level of realism as things respond and interact in a life like manner why wouldn't you want improved graphics as thing would apear in a life like manner ?.

 I'm no technical expert but if they physics in a game like say Goldeneye 64 were 1:1  what would the benefit of the physics be without seeing it in full detail ? Shooting at a wall , through glass etc.

@ the GTA  comment  I hardly notice anyone complain about GTA's graphics because most people appreciate the level of detail put into an open world , I think for most GTA is the exception to the rule because it compensates in so many other ways. It's a bad example to use.