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Kasz216 said:
psrock said:
my problem with your argument is simple

1. the ps3 and 360 have better graphics
2. you prefer the wii
3. graphics suddenly is not important.

however, i remember you jumping for joy to show us how good the Conduit looks.

Just put it this way, imagine you favorites games looking like crysis..... just imagine it.

Honestly, it depends on the game. If the game is a huge blockbuster from a big company sure. I'd rather have it have crysis level graphics.

For anything else i'd rather it has PS2 level graphics, that way the company is going to make more money and therefore decide it's worth it to make a sequel, or that company gets to stay in buisness.

Furthermore, picture Crysis but not looking as good, with a little big of the money used in developing it focusing on the gameplay and used to hire some real writers to write the story.

It'd probably be a better game. 

i would have accepted this in 2005, is it too much to ask for game to look good, i'm sorry but ps2 graphic does not cut it for me anymore.


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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)