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Honestly, it depends on what you need. Neither one is "the best" nor does neither one "perform better" in all situations. Unity has an advantage in mobile, while unreal has an advantage in AAA.

Unity is quick for programmers to pick up and get things running. Unreal has a learning curve of sorts, but with C++ scripting instead of Unreal script now, it is much easier than before.

Unreal has far better tools, especially for art, animation, world building, visual scripting, etc (right out the box). Unity is lacking in that area. If I were to guess why that is, it would be because Unreal was created by a studio that makes AAA games, and as such, they continue to use it and make tools to create said games. Engine creation, not game creation, was (and is) the main goal of Unity's creators.

Unreal has the awesome visual scripting system (blueprints) and how it ties into the c++ side is great as well.

Unity has a much better shop for plugin's and addons.

Unreal has the better renderer, no competition there.

Unreal provides the source code by default now, which is a great feature for programmers.

I picked unreal in the poll, because I personally like it the best, and like working with it, but where I work we are using Unity for our project. Nothing wrong with that, it is a great engine as well. It all comes down to the needs of the project, and personal preference.