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20. Final Fantasy Tactics

Final Fantasy Tactics was one of the first TBS games I ever played. Square took the developers of March of the Black Queen and had them make a TBS game instead of an RTS like their previous works. This game has over 30 classes with an elaborate class system. The developers took things into account such as elevation, and speed. This meant that arrows could be lobbed father, or over enemy lines, and that Ninjas could take their turn twice as often an other units. The 2D Sprite based alphamap artwork holds up to this day, especially when compared to other PS1 games. 

19. The Last of Us

A post apocalyptic uncharted with a story revolving around a man who lost his daughter and a girl who didn't have a father. Like Uncharted 2 this game expertly blends shooting, stealth, and combat into a fluid experience. The story of the game touches a lot on loss, and how the zombie apocalypse changed everyone's lives for good. The multiplayer is good too, if you don't mind Joel's scissors fetish. 

18. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

One of the best things about the Original Xbox was that it brought many PC based titles to consoles for the first time. Bioware set out to make an epic single player RPG, based on Star Wars lore, using mostly mechanics found in DnD. Set about 1,000 years before the movies, this game's plot and story were pretty much free from interference. That gave Bioware's writers the creative freedom to do whatever cool or interesting things they wanted. Statement of Fact: Meatbags that don't play my game, deserve to be thrown into the Sarlaac pit.