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dib8rman said:
When you go to the movies and chill at the reccesion lounge area waiting for the movie, there is usually an arcade near by, you could play games like Cruisin USA which used a pedal and a wheel to play the game, the enticment of the game wasn't the game itself but the idea of doing what you wanted in a car.

Now your confused because your thinking, "You drive a car in the game!" I'm saying no! You play the game, you don't drive anything as far as the game goes, the interface is what dictates if your driving or not.

In arcade fashion you have your chair, your peddals and your steering wheel also a gear shift, everything a car has. I'd see lines and lines of people waiting to play these games, the idea of controlling a car with no harm done for messing up is what got people into that arcade game.

I hope your intelligent enough to put the rest together and how that aplies to MKWii.
Shouldn't that also apply to the $400 black beast of a console, it's $40 racing sim, a $299 Logitech Racing wheel, and $299 for the Playseat game chair? For $1040 you can have your choice between that or the Cruisn USA machine itself.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.