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palou said:
VGPolyglot said:

He said he supported capital punishment, so obviously killing is fine, so there would have to be other reasons for it. The only one I can think of is sexism.

I think, then, you are not trying hard enough.


I could certainly think of several different moral schemes that could lead to that. While I don't personally support death penalty, I do support prison sentences, in some cases, for example. That does not mean that I think that locking people up is generally fine, just as he doesn't necessarily think that killing people is generally fine. It is perfectly reasonable to view actions differently based on context.


Also, the correct course of action, when you don't understand something, is to ask the person for insight, not make your own malicious conclusions.

I'll try to add on as someone who is anti-abortion and pro-death penalty.

We all in life want to live it out to the fullest. However, murder, rape, and other major crimes to me cause you to reach a point to where you basically lose the right to live, and the fact that I don't want my taxpayer dollars to go help a murderer or rapist. I believe in eye-for-eye, so I don't see it as a contradiction, besides, you cannot tell me you would let a murderer fly off when they may have killed someone close to you.

However, what did the baby do to you? You knowingly did it (DEPENDING on the circumstance, but in this case I am going for most common occurrences) and had plenty of time to either take the pill, wear protection, or just be careful, and yet it just happens because recklessness.  Everyone has a different point where they think life starts. Mine is conception. We were all a bundle of cells at one point, therefore that's where it starts to me. I am perfectly fine with birth control BEFORE conception, but at some point there's a line that's being crossed. The idea that anti-abortion people are sexist is inherently BS. I am in no way wanting to deny women's rights, but at the same time I can't deny the rights of the child in the womb. The child did nothing wrong and should not be killed on the basis of someone else's mistake. 

In summary, people who earned the death penalty have violated the law to the fullest extent where they in a way lose their right to live, but a baby hasn't even seen life, so how can you deny the opportunity for it to live?