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Dulfite said: 

Someone who has a deep abiding faith in Jesus wouldn't be for the murdering of the life God creates in the womb (or out of the womb). Their hearts would be deeply troubled by that. If Jones had come out as pro baby rights, he would have absolutely destroyed Moore. I'm not an Alabaman, so I didn't vote, but this is what Alabama voters had to consider:

Either elect Moore, who potentially harmed/violated/raped/harrassed/etc. multiple women years ago.

Or elect Jones, who will continue to support the murdering of millions of babies a year, and over 50 million since Roe V. Wade.

I believe it is important to understand all sides of an issue. If someone doesn't understand this perspective, then they don't get that to many Americans, abortion is murder, it isn't some political opinion we all get to discuss at thanksgiving before we move on to sports, laugh and have a gool ol' time.

Here's the daily abortion rate, based on the 54 million killed since Roe V. Wade, and this is what eats up a lot of Americans:

Abortion Rate – USA ONLY


per day


per hour


per minute 2.3

I am always wary of people who know what their god thinks, it too often neatly aligns with their own views.  Maybe apply compassion and empathy across the board, and not where it is comfortable to judge without fully appreciating a person's circumstance.  If you insist on issues being black or white don't be surprised if others entrench themselves on other issues in the same fashion.