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SpartanFX said:
@starcarft,,I just watched some of the co-op with the girl and the dog,,,

let's just say that our standards for beautiful graphics are faaaaaaaaaaaar apart.

Don't get me wrong,,it's a good looking game but still

MGS4>Uncharted>gears>mass effect>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>fable2

The thing is that you love the game and that has blinded your vision ;) which is more than ok,,,but trying to convince us to beileve the same thing is just hilarious .

 Ooops, Right there.Either you're blinded by your fanb... errrr, enthusiasm, or you didn't play the game. There are many many impressive elements in this game but best looking game ever? According to IGN, at least. Exactly as GTAIV PS3 was better looking than its 360 counterpart. LOLZ

Man, you haven't even play Mass Effect or Gears of War. What the heck are you talking about??

And before you ask, yes, I'm watching my cousin play MGS4 for 5 straight hours. (and I'm bored...)