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The scores given to games over the past couple years are ridiculous. There have been many good games, but once the game reaches the level of good, the reviews are all over the place and generally what should be considered a B game (this meaning it is a good game) gets higher grades based on how anticipated it was and how big the publisher is. A's and A+'s are handed out all over the place for good games from big names. No smaller developer gets sucked off to that level. If a smaller developer puts out a good game with some quirks, it gets a B or B-. At least Famitsu admits that they give rankings according to what the fans expect (and most likely what the publisher expects). Gaming publications are so dependent on the publishers to get the early gameplay and content exclusives that the industry is one incestuous pile of handjobs with the gaming publications providing most of the hands.

So, taking about small changes in the overall rankings of games versus other games is silly. It's like comparing performance stats on WWE wrestlers.

I give this thread a 9.3.

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