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shio said:
ToastyJaguar said:
360 for me

And i would even argue that 360 games available on PC are still exclusive games.

The PC isn't in the console market and games for windows are part of Microsoft.
They even incorperate your Xbox Live gamertag and you earn achievements.

To me there is no difference between games for the 360, and games for windows.

PC is in direct competition against HD consoles. 360 games available on PC are not exclusive.

And games for Windows is mostly just a label used by several games, that's all. Almost no games even are incorporated on GFW Live.

selnor said:
trestres said:
Lol, I can play Mass effect, Bioshock and Gears of War on my PC. I will play Halo 3 on my PC this year most probably.

Bioshock is on PS3 too, lulz.

So X360 has 5 85%+ games (3 racers, 1 fighting game, 1 3rd person shooter).
Wii has 6 85%+ games (1 RPG, 1 FPS, 1 Platformer, 1 Fighting game, 1 Point&click adventure, 1 Puzzle game).

Conclusion: Wii has the best and most varied exclusives, confirmed.
LOL. You cannot compare PC gaming to the console market. GOW on PC hasnt even sold 1/4 of the 360 version. They are console exclusives in other words you cant play them on any other console at the moment. PS3 does not have Bioshock til it's released. Lets not confuse the issue here.


Gears of War was an overrated, "consolized" FPS that doesn't hold a candle against Crysis, Stalker, Orange Box or Quake Wars on PC. The fact that it was released 1 year after AND was 'GFW Live'-only (which almost every PC gamer hates) didn't help.

GOW was pretty much only sold to PC gamers who already had a Xbox 360 with Xbox Live Gold membership... so yeah, that's a pretty big sales potential right there.......

Almost every other multiplatform online game sells better and makes more profit on PC than any console.Especially if they actually release the damn games on Digital Distribution services.

 Gears of War isn't over rated and it isn't even a FPS.


And yeah GFW is no good, Steam is the future of PC gaming i think.


Also in your response to my point, the Microsoft Game Studio games that appear on Windows and the 360 all incorperate the Xbox live gamertag. You don't think they are exclusive but will you admit they are exclusive to Microsoft platforms?