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Snake612 said:

I want to know why is there so much heat between the ps3 and the 360. Their both equally great systems. Why do both companies hate each other and why is microsoft trying so hard to put playstation out of the gaming industry for good? That's the question that's been on my mind through this whole generation.

There isn't any hate between the companies, although Peter Dille is a douche and would make Sony's position seem that way.  It's just competition, which is good for us.  Microsoft entering the console scene changed the game a bit.  Microsoft is not going to push Sony out of the console business and vise versa.  Sony did make a mistake in that they thought they had a better hold on the market than they did.  Microsoft used their edge at being a software developer to make game systems that were easy to program for (much like the Sony PS1) and it allowed them to put their foot in the door with the Xbox and then claim a fairly large part of the market with the 360, even with the RRoD issue.  Sony was forced to make some changes they didn't want to, releasing the non-BC versions of the PS3 so early, reprogramming Home to try and make it more competitive with XBL, etc.  Now, what is good for us is that it is driving feature improvement in both consoles.  Not only for this generation though.  The next generation is really going to be interesting.  Sony will be taking Microsoft and most certainly Nintendo seriously and we will see things like well integrated online systems across the whole industry, motion controls in Microsoft consoles also, media handling will be much more improved (except for maybe Nintendo who I expect will stick with games only).

 I think it is silly when people hate one of the console manufacturers.  If someone is a Sony fan, they should love Microsoft.  Microsoft is pushing Sony to include features the PS3 never would have had if the 360 didn't exist.  The same goes the other way.  If Sony later comes in with a truly competitive service to XBL for free or a lower price, Microsoft might be forced to drop or lower their subscription rate to stay competitive.  Microsoft will probably include motion controls in the future because of Sony and Nintendo.  The next Microsoft console will probably include wireless.  The next Nintendo console will probably include a hard drive to take advantage of the lucrative DLC market (especially since they are missing the Rock Band /Guitar Hero DLC money train).  Because of the Wii's success at that lower price point, I don't think Sony or Microsoft will come out with another console over $400.

Competition is wonderful.  I'm thankful Microsoft entered the fray and thankful Nintendo came back with a vengeance.

I give this thread a 9.7. 

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