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The graphics drum is sounding quite hollow these days too.

The depth and detail of graphics is far outstripping the ease to produce them, those triple A games are far more of a risk, because the graphics budgets these days are eyewatering.

Compare that with DS games and their gfx budgets were 1/10th of an xbone and ps4 title. Massively boosting profit margins.

People don't like loot crates and pay to win, I get that.

People don't want ever increasing costs of games, I get that.

People want ever increasing depth of graphics, far outstripping the ability to create them at a reasonable cost. But don't want to pay for it, I get that, but developers don't.

They don't get any of them, so while there will be standout gfx monster games, expect those companies to switch higher risk new IPs to a cheaper to produce console if it has a good install base.

If switch hits 30m units it won't be ignored, and it's increased profitability (based on lower production costs and same price games) will be very attractive to developers outside of their very marquee games.