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adisababa said:

I kinda agree with you, it does not have strong 3rd party support, Nintendo hasn't really hit the casual gamer market as yet. Say what you want about shooters but they are the reason many consoles are bought, not for the exclusives, not for the power, it really is for the casual gamer who plays sports games, GTA online, the yearly FPS and the occasional open world RPG and that's the demographic for consoles really.

Another thing about the Switch that I don't like is the social experience, it downright sucks. The Xbox social hub is great and looks like a Facebook or Instagram of game clips and club invites but the switch is wow it is disastrous, there is no feeling of community or social interactivity in any way, that app thing is bullshit, impractical and counter-intuitive.

I know you all probably have heard of it a million times at this point, but the Switch has zero power, AAA developers and games are continually pushing boundaries in visuals, AI, bigger open worlds and the switch doesn't stand up to the task in any way.

Most gamers love amazing graphics, it's flashy, eye-popping and it's so much easier to market because it looks fricking amazing. It is a very important criterion for many gamers (especially casuals) when buying games. Sure people like Uncharted 4 for its story and gameplay but it's undeniable that people love it for the graphics too. Witcher 3, FH3, Battlefield 1 sell well not only because they are good games but also because they are visually stunning. (worked extremely well in favor of Witcher 3 since they weren't well known or triple A). 

The Switch will probably never have games of that visual caliber and it's 2017 where those visuals are getting more and more accessible even for something like the Xbox One (the weaker mainline console). 

So yeah, while Zelda is fricking amazing (didn't play SMO because not really into platformers), the Switch will not have legs beyond 2018 in my opinion especially when it's against the likes of RDR 2, Anthem, Battlefield 2018, Cod 2018, God of War, Spiderman, Days Gone, Metro, GTA online, Rainbow Six Siege and probably a few more.

Dont forget Halo 6^^ Normally next year ther should be a new Halo Game if they hold up to their 3 years Production circle. And my Secret Tip State of deacy 2 could be amazing!