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Got the chance to play this last night. I like that the core mechanics that make the game addicting are still there but the missions available were a breeze for me. I beat the great jagras in less than 5 minutes and didn't use a single potion. The third mission was more challenging but still pretty easy; I think they are just scared of driving newcomers away so I'm not really worried.

I like that they are expanding on the mobility and now the animations like drinking a potion make more sense. I'm not sure I completely understood the tracking mechanics but they seemed a bit pointless, maybe they make more sense with tougher monsters that are harder to find.

The open maps with not loading screens are welcome but a downside seems to be that monsters spend more time running away from you.

Overall the beta was good but, as with every mh demo I have played, it doesn't really give you a full grasp of what makes the series so addicting. I think I'll definitely get this someday because I still have to finish 4 and generations. That should give me some time to hope for mh5 on switch :p