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Aeolus451 said:
Pemalite said:

No. YOU aren't getting it! Those groups CANT get "their way". - You are making a false assertion.

Something that is blatantly illegal as it destroys the lives of children will NEVER be legal, because of stupidly obvious reasons.
1) It's abuse.
2) It's abuse.
3) It's abuse.
Get it now? Abuse is illegal.

Stiff shit. They aren't.

Yeah, nah. You don't have much of an idea on LGBTQI issues it seems.
Trans is a gender issue. So is Intersex.
Homosexuality, Bisexuality and so on is a sexuality issue.

All are represented equally under the rainbow.

You ARE making a slippery slope argument.

You are asserting that by legalizing same-sex marriage... Things like Pedophilia, Bestiality and so on will become legalized.
THAT is a slippery slope argument and THAT is a logical fallacy. Which means it's flatout wrong.

And? A few nut jobs pushing for something doesn't mean it's ever going to be legal. And those same nut jobs would have pushed for the same thing regardless if same-sex marriage was legal or not.
I mean there are flat-earth conspiracy theorists who wish for the globe-earth model to no longer be taught in schools in favor of the flat-earth model, not only are they complete and utter morons... But it's never going to happen. Period.

You need to live in the real world, not conspiracy theories, what-if scenarios, baseless fear mongering is well... Baseless.

Besides, a group of child and animal abusers is NO excuse for denying same-sex marriage to LGBTQI people... And obviously Australia (And most of the industrialized world) seems to agree.

You can pretend it is whatever you want. But it is certainly a slippery slope argument and a logical fallacy and thus nonsensical and thus something I cannot possible adhere to.

Transexuals have always existed. They have always been represented in the LGBT community, why you are even going on about them beats me. They have nothing to do with your prior Pedophilia or Bestiality claims/examples.

I mean think about it. (The original lettering)
L = Lesbian.
G = Gay.
B = Bi-Sexual.
T = Trans.

(More modern additions.)
Q = Queer.
I = Intersex.

You forget that all of LGBT used to be considered immoral, was against the law and wrong. Shit changed. Those groups are trying the same thing by weeding their way into LGBT. You're just denying it by saying it won't happen while they are trying day after day to get in while there's no or little of the LGBT pushing back.  

Not once in anything I wrote did I ever say that I'm against legalizing gay marriage because of any reason. Either stop projecting some position I don't have or bring up a strawman. I was just trying to get you to see his points about pedos mirroring the LGBT community's talking points. 

But homosexuality was unfairly illegal cause the society was wrong and they realized about it, however society is never going to accept something as pedophilia and bestiality because it makes all the sense of the world for those to be illegal, they are abusive, homosexuality is not abusive, the fact that you aren't able to see the differences is almost offensive, a healthy modern society is never going to accept any kind of sexual abuse.