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I loved Empire.

Rome II now is good too, though the recent update, yeah there was a big update, kind of ruined it again because they messed with food production. Instead of it being distributed throughout you regions it now only counts for the region it's produced in as well as the adjacent one. This makes no sense obviously because in real life, Africa was the Empire's main source for grain and there'd be massive hunger in Italy whenever something was wrong with the supply because most provinces couldn't produce enough themselves. In fact, much of the reason for Octavian's civil war in reality had to do with him not directly controlling the African provinces at first. Obviously my saves are now screwed.

I do agree with you guys on Napoleon. I have it, but didn't play it much. It's scope was too limited, especially coming off the huge Empire. Never played Attila, still seems interesting and kind of want to play it, but I heard they're working on a new one set in an era they didn't visit yet, so can't wait to see it.

But anyway, yeah the first Rome is still the best.