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SpartanFX said:
@starcarft,,I just watched some of the co-op with the girl and the dog,,,

let's just say that our standards for beautiful graphics are faaaaaaaaaaaar apart.

Don't get me wrong,,it's a good looking game but still

MGS4>Uncharted>gears>mass effect>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>fable2

The thing is that you love the game and that has blinded your vision ;) which is more than ok,,,but trying to convince us to beileve the same thing is just hilarious .

Actually if yu watched long enough to get to the windmill farm you wouldnt have said that. I neverexpected much graphically. But this off screen vid showed me the best lighting I've seen, best shadowing I've seen and some insanely detailed textures. It's definately top 5 for graphics this gen.


Edit: Bioshock>Gears>>MGS 4>Fable 2(could change if they screw it up)>Uncharted>>Mass Effect.


Yes I've played MGS4 for 5 hours yesterday. The game is amazing. However there is alot of poor low res textures in there that ruin the look. And some screen tear. Sorry it's true. Still give MGS4 9/10.