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Azzanation said:
Puppyroach said:

I assume you make the same argument when it comes to marriage between opposite sexes? Since love is love when people of opposite sex marry, than why shouldn´t all types of marriages be allowed?

The problem is that because we are so vocal about gays being able to marry, I can see this becoming a trend for others to believe that they all have the right to marry. Hence why I use the term that gays use against straights. Love is Love, and it seems love comes in all shapes and sizes... and things. So what's next on the list, incest? pedolife? Bestiality?

Again I am not against gays, I voted yes for them and good on them, but damn I wont be saying love is love out to loudly or will be dealing with other scenarios at the office.

Well love is love and everyone deserves to be equal (even the weirdos).