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ryuzaki57 said:
HoangNhatAnh said:

Nintendo just repeat what Sony did to MH World

What's that "Sony snatched MHW" whole narrative? MHW is a multiplatform game for PS4, XB1 and PC, that cannot run on feeble hardware like Switch. So Capcom effectively makes it available to as many people as possible. Please stop that kind of story because it is fallacy.

KLXVER said: 
Were people really expecting Bayonetta 3 to be multiplatform? I mean most didn't care enough about the franchise to get a WiiU to play Bayonetta 2, so whats the big deal?

In your world, do people often spend 350€ to get a console they don't like just for one game?

Monster Hunter has only been popular on handhelds and by releasing it on the PS4 and XBONE Capcom are ignoring the majority of the Japanese gamers.

HW power doesn't determine how good a game is anyway. Breath of the Wild is game of the year for a reason. It has one of the most interactive open worlds ever created in a video game. 

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides