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27: Hint 1: An RTS! for home console! The version I got had many discs. The sequels would become PC exclusive.

Hint 2: The gist of the game is that World war 2 was altered because Albert Einstein found a way to go back in time and he accidentally kills Hitler which somehow made the world even worse.

Hint 3: Allies have good navy and anti tank units, while the soviets have tesla coils. A funny strategy I often did with the Soviets is build a string of tesla coils from my base to the enemy base. One could only build them 3 or 4 units away from your farthest building so in the end it cost me a ton of money and took forever to achieve, but no army could withstand the string of tesla and once you got to their base, you could destroy them with that alone.

Hint 4: Had a very good ost and voice over. But one aspect of the voice over is you could get spammed by the combat for example: "Unit lost, unit lost, unit lost, unit lost, unit lost, unit lost, construction complete," etc.

25 Hint 1: Another turned based game but this one is in the medieval times. A unique aspect of this from its compatriots is that civil wars can happen. You get to choose between both sides, but if both sides are effectively equal then you lose half your empire just like that. And after you choose a side, the next turn might have another civil war due to loyalty and then you lose almost everything.

Hint 2: When conquering everything on the map, everything seems to be going fine. And then all of a sudden in the year 1231 the Golden Horde appears and annihilates the east with over 50 armies, presenting quite the challenge.

24: Hint 1: Some speeches from the game. "Fighting is easy, what is hard is the look on your woman's face when you are a weakling. But I do not see anyone here who deserves to be called that."

"My GRANDMOTHER could take on this lot, so we should be fine!"