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I owned all 3 consoles last gen. I currently own only the Wii. It is the Nintendo "classic" games that make it instantly worth owning.

I also benefit from my job as it has so far netted me - for free - a Wii, 2 PSP and an Xbox. I actually bypassed a free PS3 late last year as I didn't feel it was worth it (I took 2 iPods instead). Another free PS3 will come past me in a few months and I am closer to taking it.

Speaking as if I was using my own money, most good Square Enix games would tempt me over to Sony, although not immediately, rather, when the games were cheaper. Games such as Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy XIII would do the trick. Region free is the only significant plus for the PS3 for me (Blu-ray is a non event).

As for the 360, I really doubt they can have an exclusive console seller for me. A 360 that works properly would help. If I did get one however, there is a multitude of good games available cheap that would start a library with a bang - Blue Dragon and Mass Effect for example.