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I´ll just give my personal impressions of the Fable 2 vids I´ve watched so far. The game had serious framerate drops, Molyneux was stating each time that this is not the final version so we´ll see how it turns out. The lightning bothered me a lot, maybe the TV´s brightness was set too high, dunno, what I know is that it bothered me. The combat felt a lot more like an action game than that of an RPG and the enemy AI seemed very low (maybe goblins are meant to be that stupid in combat). I personally didn´t like the art in Fable and I don´t like it in Fable 2 either. The graphics are good, but not the best I´ve ever seen on consoles, but that´s not a big point I judge games to begin with. Finally they were some technical problems here and there that would hinder gameplay. In the end, I wasn´t impressed. Molyneux said there would be lots of neat stuff in Fable 2 to do, but in Fable they didn´t have much of an impact to me so I´m skeptical about Fable 2 as well.