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I did end up playing a few more races today. Had to pay for quitting two races yesterday, although I was still S rank, I had dropped close to the bottom of S and got matched with half a field of SR.A racers for 2 races.

Alsace is at least a less troublesome track than Interlagos. Still I got penalized for passing a ghosted wreck while there wasn't even a yellow flag warning, 5sec penalty SR down. And again when another car crossed the whole track after getting back from the wall and grass and plonked his car right in front of me. I braked, avoided an accident yet a gentle touch was unavoidable, another SR Down.

This is the kind of stuff you should not be penalized for, yet pushing someone off the road doesn't get a penalty...

Next race I stayed well behind to get away from the SR.A drivers, hence my DR rating tanking even further.

Third race was with all S again, and it was the worst for clean driving... Some dude with TRUMP plastered on the back of his car drove me off the road. I dropped back, finished the race to preserve my SR rating, 2/3rd of the field in that race had red ratings at the end. I guess I have to do a few more very careful races to get my SR rating back to 99.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 08 December 2017