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trestres said:
Squilliam said:
Man exclusives are such a stupid word. Why not say, which Console has the best games available to it? Thats the important part. It doesn't matter where the exclusive lines fall you decide which console to have based on your preferences and the other platforms you own.

80+ games available? - PS3: 53, Xbox360: 95, Wii: 23.Thanks to metacritic.

So as a single platform - in GENERAL terms. The 360 has the most good games. So you're more likely to find a game that you like, and that fits your taste.

90+ games? PS3: 5, Xbox360: 12, Wii: 5. Thanks again.

So as a single platform to find the most great games, the Xbox360 is it.

Its impossible to argue against this fact, you just take this information and use your circumstances and tastes to find what combination of platforms suits you best.

PC, Wii, PS3, 360, PC/Wii, Wii60, PSWii, PC/PS3, PS60, ALL?

The statement the "XX has better games overall than the 360 for 'me'" is always true, because thats your opinion.

The statement the "XX has better games overall than the 360" is always false as an objective statement.

Because that's not the point of this thread. You're going off-topic if you change the subject.

Create a thread yourself if you don't like this one.

There are always lines of exclusivity. The Wii doesn't get a lot of great HD only games, the PS3 doesn't get any of  the PC/360 games and the Wii certainly doesn't get any of those at all. The term exclusives is misleading because it doesn't factor in these possibilities.

You can argue till you're blue in the face that the PC/PS3 combination is best or whatever... but thats a subjective opinion and doesn't change anything.

You can argue that the Wii has the "bestest exclusives" but how can you ignore the HD exclusives in your comparison? From the perspective of just owning a Wii and comparing it to just owning either a PS3 or a 360, those exclusive games play a big part in the overall picture. To remove them would prevent you from seeing the whole, just the parts you want to see. I think the term is cherry picking and really, it has to stop. Either be explicit and say "The PC/Wii combination" or forget even asking the question altogether.
